
Spousal support

Will Alimony be an Issue in Your Divorce Case

Will Alimony be an Issue in Your Divorce Case?

Patrick Crawford | August 26, 2021

When you and your spouse decide to seek a divorce, there are lots of things to be concerned about. Where will your kids live? Will you have to move from the family home? What property will you receive? These are all issues that Maryland law requires you to resolve before the divorce can be finalized.  […]

Stop Paying Spousal Support if I Lose my Job

Stop Paying Spousal Support if I Lose my Job?

Patrick Crawford | December 22, 2020

Many people are experiencing unemployment in 2020, and this can cause many financial problems in your life. If you cannot afford your spousal support payments, you should speak with an Annapolis spousal support lawyer as soon as possible. This past year has presented many struggles for many people and households. Some people are facing costly […]

Maryland Divorce Attorney

Can Spousal Support be Modified?

Patrick Crawford | December 20, 2018

There are many myths surrounding the issue of spousal support and relying on false assumptions can lead to unfortunate misunderstandings. This is why it’s important to understand that spousal support is very different from child support, relying on its own set of rules. By taking the time to learn about these rules and by consulting […]


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