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prepare for my separation

How should I prepare for my separation?

patrickcrawford | February 28, 2019

During the process of separating before a divorce, people often wonder what they should and should not do. Here are some guidelines. Divide your accounts. Take any money to which you believe you are entitled from any joint accounts and put that money into a separate account titled to you only. Doing so will ensure […]

child support calculated in Annapolis

How is child support calculated in Annapolis?

patrickcrawford | February 12, 2019

Maryland like most states, hold each parent accountable for the welfare of the child. An Annapolis child support lawyer can explain the Maryland Child Support Guidelines (MSCG), legal entitlements and answer questions about enforcement or modifications as part of the divorce process. In 2017, the National Vital Statistics System reported divorce rates per 1,000 total […]

Parent visitation rights after divorce denied

Can the Custodial Parent deny Visitation Rights in Maryland?

patrickcrawford | January 29, 2019

When couples divorce, one of the biggest concerns is the custody of their minor children. Even after the court has set up custody and visitation schedules, each parent may still feel uneasy about the situation. It means having to cope with raw emotions, while also accepting that each parent is living a new life. This […]

Assets Divided in an Annapolis Divorce

How are Assets Divided in an Annapolis Divorce?

patrickcrawford | January 15, 2019

No one enters a marriage thinking they will need a divorce; the reality is that it is not unusual. In Maryland, an average of 2.5 couples in every thousand go through a divorce in a given year. Comparing this to the average marriage rate gives the state a divorce rate of about 40 percent. The […]

How long does a divorce take to finalize in Maryland?

How long does a divorce take to finalize in Maryland?

patrickcrawford | December 26, 2018

Divorce is hard for everyone involved. Whether you or your spouse filed for divorce, what you want most now is to get it over with. The length of time it takes to finalize a divorce in Maryland depends on whether it is contested or uncontested. In an uncontested divorce, the parties agree to keep their […]

Maryland Divorce Attorney

Can Spousal Support be Modified?

patrickcrawford | December 20, 2018

There are many myths surrounding the issue of spousal support and relying on false assumptions can lead to unfortunate misunderstandings. This is why it’s important to understand that spousal support is very different from child support, relying on its own set of rules. By taking the time to learn about these rules and by consulting […]


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