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Father and son on a city background. View from the back

How to Get Full Custody of a Child

patrickcrawford | April 27, 2024

One of the most common reasons that couples who are considering a divorce will stay together is the uncertainty of how their children will react if they separate. Child custody is a stressful topic, and for those with children, it is typically the top concern of partners who are going through a divorce.   If […]


Legal Separation vs. Divorce

patrickcrawford | April 15, 2024

The word divorce can conjure up some conflicting emotions for those who are considering leaving their marriage. In some states, a legal separation is a way for couples to take a legal leave from their marriage without officially going through a full divorce. This is often a gray area that results in an eventual divorce […]


How Long Does Divorce Take in Maryland?

patrickcrawford | March 8, 2024

If you are considering a divorce in Maryland or if you have already decided to move forward with a case, a common question you might have is how long the process will take. The answer varies widely depending on the details of each case.    Once a marital separation agreement has been reached, it typically […]


Signs you are Co-Parenting with a Narcissist

patrickcrawford | February 21, 2024

Marriage can become difficult when one spouse has a personality disorder or mental health condition that affects marital communication. When there are children involved, the situation can become even more complicated.    The term “narcissist” has become more familiar and well-known in the last few years as people are starting to recognize behaviors that fit […]


How to File for Divorce in Maryland

patrickcrawford | January 30, 2024

In this article, you’ll learn the three different ways to approach a divorce in Maryland, the residency requirements for filing, the documents you’ll need, and the steps required. Filing for divorce in Maryland just got a lot easier after some new laws took effect in October of 2023. Discuss your options with an Annapolis divorce […]


Maryland Divorce Laws

patrickcrawford | January 22, 2024

Divorce laws in Maryland are always being changed and updated—sometimes in small ways, sometimes in massive ways. So, staying abreast of the latest developments is a smart idea if you are considering filing for divorce. For example, as of October 2023, Maryland stopped offering “limited divorces.” This was Maryland’s version of legal separation.    Nothing […]


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