There is a counselor who once said that if parents could stop being mad and remember what their children need most, divorce would be less painful. It is unfortunate that when spouses hurt each other, and they decide to go their separate ways, they get into some unhealthy form of competition, which ends up hurting the kids. Well, as statistics show, between 40 and 50 percent of first-time marriages end in divorce, and two in three of the couples have kids. The best Annapolis Family Lawyer says that a closer look at divorce through the eyes of a child would be one of the best ways to learn and understand how separation needs to be handled.
It is important to understand that divorce hurts children, even teenagers. It is even harder on younger ones, and research has shown that kids whose parents separate when they are two may remain heartbroken for up to three years. This pain changes their psyche, and if not addressed properly by an expert such as an Annapolis Family Lawyer, it could lead to behavioral problems later in life. It is crucial to learn how to handle their feelings and create a happy life for the kids so that they heal as fast as possible after the ordeal.
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Patrick Crawford is an Annapolis Family Lawyer dedicated to helping you through the most complex and emotional family law matters. During his career, Patrick has successfully represented countless people in divorce, child custody, child support, domestic violence, and other family law cases of diverse complexity.
Years of experience: 20+ years.
Maryland Registration Status: Active and authorized to practice law.
This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page has been approved by attorney Patrick Crawford, a legal professional with over 20 years of experience in family law.